Wednesday, September 14, 2011


AHHH! She's here! And we couldn't love her more.

I was so worried that we were going to pass our due date because NOTHING was happening. On the 9th  Josh and I decided that it wouldn't hurt if we drove up to Brian Head ( the very tippy top ) and then drive back down. Josh looked up on the internet that sometimes altitude can help. So up we went. When we got home I was a little disappointed that it didn't work. But I was having this bad pain in my lower abdomen that I thought was constipation :) I called my mom when it was getting to hurt pretty bad and ask her what to do about them. She politely told me that those where what we like to call contractions and told me to time them. They were about 4-5 min apart. for the rest of the night they ranged from 3-4 min. We decided to go in at about 12 pm and just see if I was changing. I was at a 3 1/2 and they decided to keep me. at about 3:30 they gave me an epidural. They decided to break my water when my Dr. decided to wake up. He came in at about 8 in the morning and broke it and told me she had had a bowl movement. 

THEN they didn't check me for 3 hours! My family goes from a 5 to a 10 in about 30 min. Surprise... when they decided that they were going to finally pay some attention to me I was at a 10 and ready to push.

I LOVED my epidural but by the time it was time to push, I could feel everything. They kept telling me it was working and this was normal. Finally when I told them it was hurting pretty bad, they had someone come and look at my IV. It wasn't working!!!! since 8 that morning it wasn't working! So even though I felt most of it they got it going so it took the edge off of it.

After 10 min of pushing, Dr Heath came in and told me a couple of BIG pushes and she would be here. I was so surprised because the nurse said we would prob be pushing for an hr to 3 hrs. So I was SOOOO excited that it was almost over. She was born at 11:32 on 09/10/11

She is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen and she has 
i'm pretty sure Josh feels the same way :)


  1. Oh congrats to your new little one! Yeah for not being Prego anymore! She is beautiful! Congrats! Glad she is finally here.

  2. What a sweetie! Sounds like your nurses were slacking big time- not checking you for 3 hours and not doing the epidural right?! I would be getting ticked. Nice job practically going naturally without even knowing it haha! I'm so excited for you guys!!! I wish you lots of naps :)

  3. yay.. she is so cute and I'm so happy all went well :)

  4. She is so beautiful and petite! I so want to hold her and see her in person. Way to go on an awesome are amazing! We love you guys and are so excited for you to have sweet, gorgeous, little Olivia here!

  5. Congratulations! She is a very pretty baby. :)

  6. She is so precious, and the cutest baby! We love her to pieces!! glad you are doing so well!

  7. Congratulations!! She is adorable!! I can't wait to hold her again.

  8. ah!!!!!!!!! she is beautiful kens! I can't wait to meet her in person!

  9. i just love my little Livvy!! I am so jealous at how well you did at delivery!! it was probably one of the smoothest ones I have seen... not actually SEEN, but was in the hall for:)
