Tuesday, May 27, 2008


A-Attached or Single. Both? Not married but Dating someone !
B-Best Friend. My Siblings and Josh
C-Cake or Pie. mmmmnnnn Pie for sure, banna cream and peacan!
D-Day of Choice. Saturday and the ends of Fridays.... no more work for the rest of the week
E-Essential Items. Blogs.. you have no Idea what your blogs to do help the work day go faster! Red Vines and chocolate turtles
F-Favorite Colors. RED. and most recently (and kinda suprising) GREEN.
G-Gummy Bears or Worms? Ooohh! Worms... hakunamattata
H-Hometown. DIXIE
I-Indulgence. If i could... see's chocolate carmel and almond candy! my absolute favorite right up there would be chocolate covered caramel pretzels that the humphries bring for christmas
J-January of July. July... I love the 4th of July, swimming, the lake, family, watermelon, and the smell of sunscreen
K-Kids? None- But I really would like some, oh! a cute little girl so i can fix there hair and make it all cute like
L-Life isn't complete without? The gospel, Family, Caramel popcorn ( can we see i like caramel!) and Iron Man
M-Marriage Date. October 10, 2008.. hahahahaha ya right :(
N-Number of Brothers and Sisters.7 sisters and 7 brothers
O-Oranges or Apples. sliced oranges
P-Phobias or Fears. 3- Needles, Spiders, and speaking in churck
R-Reason to Smile. I got a raise, i pay off my car next month, and I have and Awesome family
S-Superman or Wonder Woman. Superman.... why would I want a girl? thats gross
T-Tag four people. 8 people is not 4 jess... you took to many MAGGIE, MIKI, MEGAN, AND TYLER
U-Unknown fact about me. I had a dream that I had my own trasformers and one where I found out my boyfriend was....... Satan... yes creepy(not josh, it was someone else) i was super scared and hoped i could still go to church after having that dream
V-Vegetables? some... not peas, mushrooms, or fresh green beans (only canned)
W-Worst habit. Um... none i am perfect
X-X-Ray or Ultrasound? X- Ray.... who would want the power to have see babies with their eyes?
Y-Your favorite food. RICE... and homemade speggetti
Z-Zodiac Sign . . . dragon

wow that was hard


  1. You learn so much about somebody by reading these tags. Who knew you were getting married so quick. Josh for sure!

  2. yay finally someone i tagged did it! i liked it and i think it was way funny! that would be so cool if you got married oct 10th i would love it cause we would totally be back for everything! and i need joshs number i need to talk to him... he is taking too long!

  3. I've always wanted to meet someone who is perfect- I'm so excited!
