Sunday, May 18, 2008


I forgot my camera.. dang it. I had all thies cute little poses i was planning on makeing everyone do (i.e. *me standing on the wave runner.. bootie tooched back to make it look smaller and thus makeing me look great in a swimming suit,
*me frollicking in the sand, building a sandcastle... or getting burried in it,
*Me running along the beach in an action shot..kinda like baywatch
* ME smiling and having a gay old time
* and maybe some of the others who came.... but honestly this is for my blog so i would only post the latter ;)

We had a blast. Nick and Megan invited me to go to the lake yesterday, so i in turn invited Josh and the four of us went to have a great time. I was a little nervous before we went about the water not being warm enough yet and me freezing my but off. My fears were confermed when we back the wave runners in and i put my little pinkie toe in to test the water. IT WAS FREEZING!! I would'nt even get out of the truck to ride it over so Parked the trailer and drove the truck over.
Nick Megan and I went out first to try the wake board out. The water was a little choppy and Nick still did very well. Seeing how megan cant wake board because of her cute little belly... that ment my cold water fear had to be put to rest and I had to suck it up and just jump in. Nick said it was fine and actually became warm while you were in there (Nick was also wearing a wet suit). WOW... it was cold. NO... cold doesn't really describe it. It was like jumping into an over size cup of ICE water. After catching my breath I got up on my first try!!! Also i did a 180! And also, to my surprise, the water was quite injoyable! I didnt mind it one bit. Josh stayed up FOR EV ER on the ski's and did a great job, Megan was a great driver!

Things I have forgotten since last year and wished i would have remembered.
- Dont put sunscreen in just some spots..... you end up looking like a dork!
- Sunburns really do hurt.... a lot
- Dont touch your arm, leg, back, or any other part of your body with a the hand you put sunscreen on with... you get hand prints.
- The sun drains your energy
- And last but no least..... The lovely music and the scantaly dressed girls from the boats on both sides of you!

Sorry no pictures.. your welcome for posting.

thank you

have a great day


  1. hahaha I really really espescially like the comment about not putting sunscreen on only parts of your body... hahaha... I totally wish i could have been there except it would have been embaressing because i know i would have been the only one who wouldnt have been able to get up on the wake board :(

  2. Good job on Wake Boarding and putting up with the ice cold water! You are a trooper. I had no idea girls were immodest at the lake?

  3. wow brave you for getting in the giant cup of ice water =) I think I would have opted to stay on the boat with Megan. You know for moral support. I am glad that by the time we come in July it will have warmed up considerably. cant wait to see you.

  4. I0 can't believe that you got up on the wakeboard. You are amazing. Plus to do a 180, you really are incredible. Love ya, Bree

  5. I completely agree with the part that sunburns still hurt!! You were awesome on the wake board. I can't wait to go again!!
