Wednesday, May 4, 2011

20 weeks

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So I know I'm almost 22 weeks but "some how" the picture was deleted ( I'm still blaming josh) oh well i'll just miss that week:)

So I can defiantly feel Olivia moving:) She never did the light butterfly movements that everyone told me I would feel. Nope I was sitting on the couch (surprise) and bam.... she kicked her hardest and has ever since. I LOVE feeling her move around. I just sit and wonder what she's doing inside there. The best was seeing the look on Josh's face the first time he felt her! He just looked up at me with this little kid look of surprise, excitement, and a silly full tooth grin! Now, she stops moving the second he puts his hand on my belly haha..

HOLY HEARTBURN..... my goodness. Not once in my life before I was pregnant have I gotten heartburn, but since, whoo do I get it bad:) Thats actually what made me think I might be pregnant ( thanks lori!). Hopefully it goes away after.

Still lovin the fruit.... but also EVERYTHING else:)

I still get nauseous, but at least i feel like I can do most everything again.

Josh and his dad started the nursery this last Saturday... and I'm getting so excited!!!! Thanks Roger for all your help, we really loved having you come up for the day and help out!!

We took pictures of the progress and some of the stuff we found, so I'll post more tomorrow:)


  1. let me just say your belly is getting soooo darned cute! and I really liked that comment about you posting again tomorrow. heartburn was the worst, and remember I Told you week 28 the nausea just disappears such a great last 12 weeks. im sooo excited to get planning your baby shower! I already have a few things im soo excited to make for it! it will be so much fun, luke cant wait to see you again. we need to face time .

  2. Watch out for the fruit. I went to the dentist for a check-up and discovered taht fruit is really good for your health, but terrible for your teeth. i have 5 cavities that I have to get filled because of all the fruit i ate with Samantha. I'm way excited for you guys to meet her this weekend!!

  3. Wow, if I could look that good at 22 weeks I might just think about having another one! I seriously am so excited to come home this summer. We have major hanging out to do and lots of hair coloring. That is pretty bad if you noticed from pictures that I needed a color!!!!

  4. You are the cutest prego girl!! (guess what I didn't have any heartburn with Ava.) Don't you love how unpredictable pregnancy is! I am glad you are done with puking your guts out!
