Monday, April 11, 2011


Ok, so it is REALLY hard taking a picture of your own belly withouth the help of someone or a mirror. I guess I could wait until josh comes home....


This is my belly at 18 weeks (19 friday). There are times when i'm showing more than others... wierd? maybe i'm just to lazy to hold my belly in those times.

{update} evedently my belly looks bigger after working out. :)

Almost 1/2 way! i'm hoping miss olivia stays small and I dont get a rediculously huge belly. I just cant imagine trying to lose the weight after. I think out of everything that worries me (which is growing less and less each day) that is the one that kicks the bucket. Of course i'm gonna breast feed her to lose some of the pounds... but what if my body never looks the same (or close, i do realize i'm gonna be pushing a baby through my hips). So for now most of my snacks are healthy.

by the way dad. your bread from sunday (yesterday) is already gone:) it was yummy!

anyways on to much sader things.

My dear Jessica goes away for the summer on Friday. I'm so sad I wont be there to say goodbye. To make it 10 times harder, she is taking my lukie pukie away from me. The kid has gotten so cute and funny this last little bit, its going to be sad to have him growing up away from me for a whole 4 1/2 months.

Just remember Who your favorite aunt is LUKE!!! remember who's house you learned to crawl and took your first step at and who makes you laugh in the back of the car. I do realize no one can take grandma's spot and the making you laugh and all, but remember i do try! * please forget the fact that you were so heavy I always gave you back to momma!

And jessa, thanks for talking your husband into coming to see me for my shower!!!! please post WAY WAY WAY more than you do now so I dont get too homesick from him ( luke not chris).

Love you miss.


  1. I think the showing more at different times isn't weird. unless we're both crazy. yay for babies!

  2. I can't believe you are almost half way and if I didn't know you were pregnant I wouldn't even be able to tell.... wait I do and I can't believe my eyes. You are so tiny still!!! Make sure you tell me when your shower is too! I am not sure Steve will let me come lol :) J/K he is way nicer than Chris so I am sure he will even watch the kids so I can come and play with the girls!!! Love ya

  3. I feel so special to get my own post! your belly is so cute even though it is still very little, and I cant wait to come in July to see you all huge and feel little olivia kick! and ps stacie I think chris is the nicest person ever ... so there!

  4. I felt like I showed only certain times as well. My body isn't the same after having Aly and it's taken me a while to be cool with it. But I'm a mom and couldn't be happier so now I don't care. My hips are wider and I can't fit into jeans I have(even after a c section.. The hips are still wider) I think it was just from carrying her. I thought the same things about the weight thing and I didn't want to be fat and all, then I realized gaining a little weight was healthy for my baby so I focused more on her than I was just getting fat. I have been able to lose my baby weight in about a month and a half(with lots of hard work and breast feeding). It was easier to lose than I thought! Well, you are still tiny and have about half way to go...just focus on your baby and how much you will love her!! :) you can do whatever you put your mind to! I can prove it..
