Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Oh the places they fall asleep!

We just had to share this with you... People came into work today and can you imagine.... we fell asleep in the cutest places! i just couldnt resist taking pictures!!

how they both fell asleep around the same chair and they both are not there at the same time will never make sense!


  1. you guys crack me up! It makes me miss you all the more. Katrina is going around the house immatating you guys and your sleeping poses. katrina wants me to tell you that " those pictures are funny"
    Love you Guys

  2. And you get paid to do this?!? Now it's time to do a post about your vacation- let's see what you come up with now!

  3. You guys do know that a blog isn't just about being funny don't you? I want to know what is going on with my sisters...what did you do on the weekend, upcoming plans etc. keep us posted ok =) love Stacie
