Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I got kinda behind on blogging.... My little bebe is keeping me pretty busy now that she can crawl! Looking back its be awhile since I have done a post not about Liv's month marks.

Here is what is happening at our home.

Josh is busy working. He still works as an Intern Engineer for Smead Manufacturing. He is loving coming home and working outside. Our nights are pretty much all spent working in the yard and enjoying the amazing Parowan weather. He is working on his car and motorcycle when ever he finds a chance to sneak outside :) I'm always impressed at how good of a job he does fixing up his old things! When we do keep him inside.... there is a certain little girl who will not leave his side. She absolutely adores her dad. He came in from work wearing his helmet that covered his head and she just stared at him. When he took it of she gave a little laugh and dove out of my arms and crawled as fast as she could to get to him. He is an AMAZING Dad to her! He is starting a garden outside for us!!! I can't wait for fresh veggies!!!

Olivia is figuring out so many things! A week before she turned 8 months, that little baby learned how to crawl. I don't think anyone could ever be as happy with the new discovery as she is. She loves that she can now be by my side at ALL TIMES :D When she comes around the corner into the room I am in.... she gets the biggest smile and crawls faster to get to me. Her favorite part about crawling is getting into all the things she has wanted to. Suki's dog food, the garbage, cords and outlets ( don't worry i'm working on baby proofing the house!). I guess the day she learned to crawl she also learned to pull herself up onto almost anything! And consequently, I will hear lots of cries from the fallen girl. In the middle of the night she will cry a funny cry that i've never heard. When I go in, it's from standing up and not being able to get back to sleep. She sleeps from 8 to 7:30-9. HEAVEN! She loves outside and being out there with her dad as they work on the garden. Say's MAM all the time, Sssssh, Bap, and aaaahaaaahaaaahh ( I think she's trying to sing:) ). Gives me slobbery kisses and climbs on me as her favorite toy.

Me..... I'm just enjoying every moment I can. I'm so lucky to be able to stay home and be with Olivia. When the house work is done and livi is down for a nap, I've gotten sucked into the Vampire Diaries (don't judge until you watch it.... Josh even really likes it). I'm working at getting better at sewing and cooking. My attitude with living here in Parowan in getting much better. I think being cooped up with the baby all winter long really was hard. But now that its warm, we go outside and play and get some good vitamin D in us. It definitely  has made Josh and I so much closer. Before I moved out of town my sister told me it would be the best thing anyone could do for there marriage. And it most definitely has been the best thing. We rely on each other. Not that he wasn't before but he is my absolute best friend in the whole world. So I guess i'm coming to love our HOME in parowan:) Only good has come from being here!!! (part of the attitude change might be because we have a pest guys who comes every month to keep the spiders away!!)

She loves her new play toy!


  1. Love that Livi! Once the pictures came up, Roslyn ran over saying baby baby baby. I think she's trying to say how cute she is. :) So glad that Parowan has turned into a good thing for you guys!

  2. Loves this post! I am glad you are loving your place now. Just remember how you love it when it comes to getting a job....move up north with is :)

  3. Loves this post! I am glad you are loving your place now. Just remember how you love it when it comes to getting a job....move up north with is :)

  4. I love being outside now that the weather has changed as well. And livi is crawling.... watch out world here she comes... no stopping her now lol. I am so glad to hear you are all doing well! Cant wait to see you.

  5. so fun.. and she's so cute. I can't wait to see her crawling around. We need to come up so she can teach Sarah :) We really we're going to come up this week too-but oh, I got sick. AGAIN.

    Glad you're enjoying Parowan more

  6. What a cute stinker! I am so glad you are doing well! I know how you feel about winter. Its rough when you can't go outside! Winter blues sucks! I wish we could get together!

  7. It's so crazy how fast the crawling happens. I am so glad that you are loving Parowan, and I totally agree being outside helps so much! I too am a sun worshiper. You and Josh are such cute, good parents!

  8. haha I love that the spiders made it onto the blog! ps grow some of those awesome pear shaped tomatoes for me:)
