Sunday, December 19, 2010

Josh's First Post

Well, I'm finally doing it. Entering the world of 'blogging'. I figure i ought to take the momentous opportunity to tell everyone what a great wife I have. (I'm sure most of you know it), but she is the bestestest ever!
Things have been perdy busy for us up here in the 'P Town'. We seem to be running all over the place back and forth to cedar and down to st. george every now and again. We were way sad we weren't able to go down the last couple of weeks, but are looking forward to Christmas to see our family. (except for you 'brann' and Tyler) (sorry). Anyway, were super excited to see everyone and get out of town. I've been busy doing some more 'remodel' projects around the house as this week was my first week of semester break, and i can't sit still. By the way. GOT A "B" in my calc class...a really good thing, except that it means i just have to keep going on with my Math. Kensi shared in my enthusiasm.....but told me I couldn't talk about math for the rest of the break.
Our little dog Suki is doing well, except she likes to take off lately when i take her out to the bathroom...and has tried the 'I'll just bite your leg if you won't play with me' bit with Kensi. (I'm waiting to see if it works and might adopt the same method)
All in all, were doing good, enjoying life....and loving all of it.

LOVE YOU KENSI>>> everyone knows ;)


  1. hahahaha that is way funny.. you know about the biting legs and such it just creates wonderful imagery. I cant believe i had to find out on a blog that you guys are in love... congratulations:)

  2. Wow, I am touched that we were mentioned by name in the first ever post of Josh! Makes my heart happy and also sad that we won't be there with you guys for Christmas. Love you both and am counting down the days to summer 2011! This is Bree by the way! To lazy to switch accounts.

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  4. Hey Kensi
    Here is my email please send me your email address and I will add you to our private blog.
    If you and Josh are ever in the Boise, Idaho area, you guys are more than welcome to come to our house.

    Gayle (Lori's sister)

  5. that I have a blog, you should post more.

  6. Wow!!! My son the blogger!! Does my heart good!
