Well this might be odd but i guess the "new in thing" is to post quarky things about your family and in turn they write about you....... i have only me. Lets see how this works!
1. i some how deteriate during the night and wake up looking an absolute mess!
2. i'm everyones favorite sister/sister in law/daughter/friend/person in general/ and even those who dont know me... i am somehow still thier favorite.
3. i am NOT concieded
4. Nor am i stuck on myself in anyway shape or form....!
5. no tyler i do not touch ALL foods..... just when your around!
6. i found that supid orange cat in my room the other night... in the middle of the night... and it scared the crap out of me..
7. i dont know what that had to do with my list but i thought everyone should know :)
8. did i say that i am perfect
9. mom says that one day the cow will jump the fence and i'll be at a loss...... whatever that means!
10. mom did not really say that...... i made it up because i could not think of a 9!!!
11. did we really think that KENSI would take this serously.... come on.... why would i tell wierd things about me and ruin it for everyone who has yet to find them out!!! SUPRISE for them!!!
so people.... there we have it! have a good day and good luck!