Monday, July 26, 2010

I feel so left out.

I found out that many people have gone private on your blogs...... this makes me sad only cause i cannot check your blogs anymore. Therefore the result of me being a little bored and an extream feeling of lonelyness.

also... whats up with my cousins that now have blogs and didnt share with me???

oh whats the world coming to when you have to ask to be invited.

in your defence... most of you warned me and i did not respond :(


  1. Im going to add you to ours but the email you get will be from "". Thats us. Just a heads up.

  2. haha your so cute! i just added you to my blog so dont worry! but hey i have been trying to track you down cause i was wondering if you still wanted to do each others hair? just let me know!

  3. i just added you to mine, so now you can see the things I am doing... and love them!

  4. I just sent you an invite! You'd better be a great blogging friend!
