There was once a time in my life when i VERY much prided myself of being a sucker rather than being the dreaded, aweful, obnoxious, extreamly hard to sit by chompers. Sucking had so many more upsides to it; you could savor the tast in your mouth so much longer, teeth were not packed with the left over candy from being (shudder at the word)...... a chomper, and not to mention the number one reason i never wanted to be of that sort.. no one would sit by you and they would get suprisingly irratated and snap at you for no other reason than it drives people crazy.
As most of you know who visit the store, we normaly keep a stock of candy in the jars.. yummy candy that is really hard to resist... chewy and chocolatly. Well this time around us TLC employees decided to opt for something that we would not eat by the bushful. Thus the new hard candies came to the store.
At first no one would really want to eat them because they had the label of hard candy... worthers and creams savers. SOOO much easier to resist temptation because they dont look good. But after staring at the screen for six hours your mouth needs something to eat or keep it occupied. Now i was not wanting to eat one of these tastless "hard candies" but non the less i tried one and to my amazement i really liked it and i bit into it and chewed it all up. WAIT... what... did i just "CHOMP" my candy. There is no possible way. Number 2... Chomp... Number 3 Chomp.. I cant stop. no matter how many i try i get this overwhelming urg to just take a big bite. How sad. i prided myself... what a pitty